domingo, 21 de marzo de 2010

21/03/2010: whoa, forgot this oAo

Long time no write least i have improved my english a lot since the last entries.
Oh seems that here i'll rant (as always) my rl things....good and bad.
Mostly bad ones *sighs* (so f*** emo, i hate it).
Actually not much to explain now....exams ended some weeks ago, and as always, i failed some of them, so, my mum will rant and rant to me...pff, i'm getting used to it, lately she's punishing me for everything.
Let's see....what else....ah, yeah, one of my best friends changed to another school, so my clasmates are now: ''oh, you are alone now right?'' ''you don't have friends, you stupid emo'' , heh, i can see ''how much they love me'' ._.
(damn, i'm so tired that they call me emo, i'm not an emo Dx )
But anyway, i don't care what they say,i have friends, a few, but i have them, at least they don't criticize me ._.
What else....i don't want to write just ''bad things here''.....oh yeah....i'm considering to stop uploading fandubs to youtube....probably, as a silly i am, i'll keep uploading them (and making your ears bleed, sorry), but i don't know, today is not a good day for me, i got up in a bad mood, i can't help it.
I think that's it for now....i'll try to write more ''happy'' things next time i remember to write here....sorry.


(picture by meola)